Why Choose a SSAS / Introducing Funds / Investing Funds / Solutions for Business / Benefits Payable
How a SSAS Works
A SSAS is an Occupational Pension Scheme, established by a UK Employer.
Benefits are provided for members on a money purchase basis. Directors and senior employees of the establishing company usually form the membership of the SSAS. There can be a maximum of 11 members.
The pension trust is registered with HMRC, which means it is afforded generous tax reliefs and the assets are held in a sheltered environment.
A bank account is established in the name of the SSAS and this acts as the hub for all funds to pass through, including contributions, transfer values and investment returns.
Investments are purchased by the SSAS and held directly by the Trustees under the powers of the trust for the benefit of the members.
The SSAS members are appointed to act as trustees of the scheme and are thereby entrusted to make all the management decisions. The members are therefore able to take control of their own pension.
Ultimately, the Trustees are in place to ensure the SSAS is properly managed and to safeguard the benefits held within.
At DACSSAS, we act as Independent Trustee on all SSASs from the outset so you can rely on and learn from our specialist expertise.
DACSSAS will take on responsibilities as HMRC Scheme Administrator, cementing our commitment to you and the compliant operation of your SSAS.
Exclusive membership coupled with unanimous decision making brings administration and investment freedoms which result in a SSAS being one of the most flexible pension vehicles on the market.
Do you want to take control of your future?
Call us on 01480 595 800, or email: info@dacssas.com